Trade Name & Trademark Litigation
At YLG, we have considerable amount of experience in trademark litigation. When you apply for a trademark registration with us, as your trademark agent, we counsel you on the entire process, from application to registration in Canada and abroad. We have experience supervising and managing clients’ worldwide trademark portfolios and through our network of foreign associates. We obtain trademark agent services in international jurisdictions.
Trademarks are key assets for every business. Trademarks help a business’ customers distinguish its products and services from others in the marketplace and associate them with the company and its reputation. Whatever niche your business is in, over time there becomes an increasingly crowded marketplace for you, and with it, more competition for trademarks.
Trademarks include words, designs, combinations of words and designs, and distinctive shapes or wrappings that distinguish your products and services. Your business name or trade name may also be registrable as a trademark if it is used to distinguish your products and services from those of others. Registering your trademarks is an important step as it allows you to better protect your brand against imitation or misuse. As a business owner, you spend so much time and money branding your company name and logo, it’s important to protect them to prevent others from capitalizing on your intellectual property.
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